Module Curriculum

    1. Speaker Disclosures

    1. Student Office Hours

    1. Overview

    2. Reading

    3. Reading Check In

    4. Learning Objectives

    5. Lesson 14A Handout

    6. Lesson 14A Glossary

    7. What's Coming Up

    8. Lesson 14A Video 1

    9. Social Determinants of Health

    10. Lesson 14A Video 2

    11. Baby-Friendly Community Initiative Fill in the Blanks

    12. Lesson 14A Video 3

    13. Your Role in the Protection, Promotion and Support of Breast/Chestfeeding

    14. What Did We Learn?

    15. Lesson 14A Quiz

    16. Lesson 14A Survey

    17. Resources

    18. References

    1. Overview

    2. Reading

    3. Reading Check In

    4. Learning Objectives

    5. Lesson 14B Handout

    6. Lesson 14B Glossary

    7. What's Coming Up

    8. Lesson 14B Video 1

    9. Why Lactation Matters During Disasters

    10. Lesson 14B Video 2

    11. How to Manage Donations of Artificial Human Milk Substitutes

    12. Lesson 14B Video 3

    13. What Skills Do Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (IYCF-E) Responders Need to Be Effective?

    14. Lesson 14B Video 4

    15. What Could be Your Role in Emergencies?

    16. What Did We Learn?

    17. Lesson14B Quiz

    18. Lesson 14B Survey

    19. References

    20. Resources

    1. Overview

    2. Learning Objectives

    3. Lesson 14C Handout

    4. Lesson 14C Glossary

    5. What's Coming Up

    6. Lesson 14C Video 1

    7. Community Partners

    8. Lesson 14C Video 2

    9. Sustainable Community Outreach

    10. What Did We Learn?

    11. Lesson 14C Quiz

    12. Lesson 14C Survey

    13. References

    14. Readings

  • Your Instructors:
    Paulina Erices, MS, IBCLC, IMH-E
  • 2.25 Lactation Specific Hours
    2.25 CERPs (2.25 L- CERPs)
    2.25 Nurse Contact Hours
  • Viewing Period: 1 Year for Complete Course Cert

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