Module Curriculum

    1. Speaker Disclosures

    1. Student Office Hours

    1. Overview

    2. Readings

    3. Reading Check In

    4. Learning Objectives

    5. Lesson 1A Handout

    6. Lesson 1A Glossary

    7. What's Coming Up

    8. Lesson 1A Video 1

    9. Cranial Bones Labelling

    10. Cranial Nerves Match Up

    11. Cranial Sutures Labelling

    12. Fun With Fontanelles

    13. Lesson 1A Video 2

    14. Let's Have a Snack

    15. Lesson 1A Video 3

    16. Impacts of Mechanical Assistance at Birth

    17. Try It Yourself

    18. Lesson 1A Video 4

    19. Checking Oral Reflexes

    20. Identify the Physiological Disorders

    21. Test Your Knowledge

    22. Lesson 1A Video 5

    23. Paced Side-Lying Bottle Feeding Handout

    24. Case Study Prep

    25. What Did We Learn?

    26. Lesson 1A Quiz

    27. Lesson 1A Survey

    28. References

    29. Resources

    1. Overview

    2. Readings

    3. Reading Check In

    4. Learning Objectives

    5. Lesson 1B Handout

    6. Lesson 1B Glossary

    7. What's Coming Up

    8. Lesson 1B Video 1

    9. Identifying Newborn Wake and Sleep States

    10. Lesson 1B Video 2

    11. Newborn Wake and Sleep States

    12. Lesson 1B Video 3

    13. Calming a Dysregulated Infant

    14. Calming a Dysregulated Infant - Community Activity

    15. Understanding Behavioral Cues

    16. Lesson 1B Video 4

    17. Infant Temperament

    18. What Did We Learn?

    19. Lesson 1B Quiz

    20. Lesson 1B Survey

    21. References

    1. Overview

    2. Readings

    3. Reading Check In

    4. Learning Objectives

    5. Lesson 1C Handout

    6. Lesson 1C Glossary

    7. What's Coming Up

    8. Lesson 1C Video 1

    9. Anterior Infant Anatomy Assessment

    10. Posterior Infant Assessment

    11. Lesson 1C Video 2

    12. Normal Newborn Skin Changes

    13. Birthmark Assessment

    14. Journaling Activity

    15. Lesson 1C Video 3

    16. Vital Signs and Measurements

    17. Life With A Preterm Baby

    18. Lesson 1C Video 4

    19. Check Your Learning

    20. Birth Scenario Brainstorm

    21. Birth Planning Journaling

    22. Lesson 1C Video 5

    23. Infant Reflex Match

    24. Infant Reflex Assessment Review

    25. Body Movement Journaling

    26. Lesson 1C Video 6

    27. Test Your Knowledge

    28. What Did We Learn?

    29. Lesson 1C Quiz

    30. Lesson 1C Survey

    31. References

    1. Overview

    2. Readings

    3. Learning Objectives

    4. Lesson 1D Handout

    5. Lesson 1D Glossary

    6. What's Coming Up

    7. Lesson 1D Video 1

    8. Time To Ponder

    9. Break and Ponder Journaling

    10. Lesson 1D Video 2

    11. Check Your Understanding

    12. Lesson 1D Video 3

    13. How Old Is the Baby?

    14. Developmental Milestones: Language

    15. Developmental Milestones: Fine Motor

    16. Developmental Milestones: Gross Motor

    17. Developmental Milestones: Social Behavior

    18. Lesson 1D Video 4

    19. What Did We Learn?

    20. Lesson 1D Quiz

    21. Lesson 1D Survey

    22. References

    23. Resources

  • Your Instructors:
    Bryna Hayden , IBCLC
    Lyndsey Hookway, BSc, RNC, SCPHN (HV), IBCLC, HSC
    Melissa Cole MS, IBCLC
  • 9.25 Lactation Specific Hours
    9.25 CERPs (9.25 L-CERPs)
    9.25 Nurse Contact Hours
  • Viewing Period: 1 Year for Complete Course Cert

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